Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Easter 2016 | | Addison's Legs

Easter 2016 was a good day. 

We went to church together. But were late, as usual. I believe I will be late to my own funeral. Somehow, someway it will happen. 

As we were walking into church, Jordan was saying if he was walking in my shoes he would fall and kill himself. Before he could even finish his thought, Addison fell. I'm talking face plant into the concrete sidewalk. Her knees (both of them) are torn to pieces with concrete burn. 

I rush to carry her inside to get to someone to get us the first aid kit. Phyllis (our pastor's wife) and I take her into the bathroom to try to get her cleaned up. She will NOT let us put bandages on them. And she decides she needs to just sit with me in church instead of going to Children's Church. 

I finally make it into church right before Pastor Caryl gets on stage to have everyone turn to welcome someone. Remember those shoes Jordan was telling saying he would kill himself in - my feet are aching and I don't think I can stand anymore from running in them to care for Addison - so, I stay seated. (Sorry, to my church friends that I didn't turn around or mingle or say hi to anyone that wasn't in arms reach of me - lol). 

I sat the whole service, holding my sweet baby. You know what? As much as she needed me because her legs hurt (and only Mama can make that better), I needed her, too. I held my baby, and she sat so still in my lap. We sang songs and I cuddled her. It was needed for me. 

One of these days I may be able to make it through a church service or the Lord's Supper without crying but I don't see it happening anytime soon. We sang the Chris Tomlin song "I Will Rise" and I cried as I held and rocked Addison and sang the words to the song. All I could picture was my sweet Emery Hope when He called her name. It was her time, I wasn't ready to let her go but I know she was ready and I know God was ready for her to be HOME. He took her into her arms and there is no more sorrow or no more pain. (I cry through the Lord's Supper every week thinking of the sacrifice Jesus made for you and for me and the HOPE of eternity with HIM and my sweet Emery + the rest of my family but to see HIM and to see her again, oh what a day that will be and thank you just isn't adequate for my Lord). 

We came home to a cooked lunch. I had promised my girls I would make a Sunday dinner like Gramma does for them at our house. (My whole family decided that I need to make this a tradition, so looks like no more going out to eat on a Sunday.) 

I wanted pictures of us all after church. So, we went outside. 

Remember me telling you about Addison's legs. Well, she has refused to walk the whole day since her fall. She won't even stand for pictures. So, I carry her a chair out under the tree for her to sit in. But it took a while to get a smile out of her! 

Selfie Stick to the rescue - family picture! And Happy Addison because she is in someone's arms. 

Let me tell you - for two days! I repeat two days! She didn't walk. We carried her everywhere - from the couch to the chair, to the bed, to the toilet, to the car, in and out of the movies, up the stairs - you name it we carried her. Her poor little legs didn't touch the ground. And when she finally did touch the ground some, she limped like she had broken her leg off. We believe this is the first time she's really scraped her legs up. Heaven forbid, she really ever break a bone, we will have to get her a wheelchair.

We have laughed so hard at the things we did for this little girl. Carrying her like crazy to make sure those legs didn't hurt her. 

I even strategically placed blankets on her when she was cold two nights in a row so her legs wouldn't be under the blankets. 

Luckily, today (Tuesday) she is walking again... and actually underneath the blankets as we speak where her legs aren't bothering her. She declared today "I am healed." HA! Praise the Lord! Mama's arms are tired, I've been lifting 45 lbs all day every day to move her from place to place. 

Emery Hope showed up on Easter, too! I look looking out of my doors in the evenings before I shut the blinds and curtains and seeing this! Oh pink sunsets, you will never be nothing more than a reminder from God that Emery Hope is doing ok. I've never in my life seen so many PINK sunsets since February 3rd and all I can do is Thank HIM because I know they are from HIM. 

 What a wonderful day to celebrate our Risen KING! Other than Addison's mishap with her legs, we had a great day. And Addison's legs didn't stop us from having a great day, it really made our day more fun. We laughed the whole time. I've never seen a child act like she did over concrete burns on her legs, but she did. 

1 comment:

  1. Her Pa Marky and MiMi just laughed and laughed while reading this. Our Addison is Unique in every way, and that's just one more reason we love her So Much!!!!!!!
