Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Spaghetti Legs

A few years ago Makenzi asked for roller blades for her birthday. 

MeMa obliged and got them for her. 

She didn't master them that year, so we put them away for her to try when she got older. 

Sunday afternoon she asked if we could get them out again. 
I went inside and got the skates, her knee pads, her elbow pads, her helmet, and her gloves. 
We had her ready to go. 

I tried to get her up first. I couldn't hold her up to save my life. She was about to take me down with her. So, I sat her back down in the chair and told Jordan he had to come take her. 

Jordan came and took over. But even he struggled to hold her up. It was like with the skates on her legs become completely limp. She doesn't hold herself up at all. 

We laughed so hard! 

MiMi tried to help hold her up with Jordan and even that didn't work. I thought she was going to take them both down. 

Finally, they make it straight... and we are going to get her down the stairs to go on the sidewalk. 

It was quite the challenge. 

 The laughs we shared this day were priceless. 

I fully believe that God knows what we need when we need it most. 

Watching my spaghetti legs try her best to skate, with her Daddy holding her up the whole time, while MiMi and me laughed our heads off just helped my day so much. I laughed until I cried. I think God knew I needed that. I had a rough few days through the weekend and watching Makenzi attempt to skate on Sunday just brightened my weekend. 

She attempted until she about killed her Daddy's shins and then one little fall and the skates broke. They are now put away and I don't know if she will ever get the hang of skating. But... maybe once we get her skates fixed she will try again. She doesn't really give up easily. But we may have to just let her go and have a few falls so she doesn't kill Jordan and me in the process. ;-) Isn't that how they teach kids to swim, too? Just throw them out there. They'll learn. ;-) 

Isaiah 55:9 "For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts." 

God knows all! He knew that putting spaghetti legs on those skates on Sunday would cause the most laughter than we had probably had in our home in a while. We laughed until we were all crying. Makenzi was even laughing her sides out as she was trying to skate. 

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