Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Addison & Jordan

These two are inseparable. 

I'm not even kidding. 

She is his sidekick. She wants to be with him over anyone else. 

Now... Addison, also, has a lot of her Daddy's personality. 

She wants to make you laugh all the time. 

She has been doing this (see video) behind her Daddy for months now. We laugh so hard. She thinks she is hiding from him. All while grabbing his shirt and pulling it and running in circles. 

He will keep going with her even though he feels like he's choking. 

He will eventually spot her in one of the mirrors around the house. She will get so tickled and say "you didn't know where I was!!!" 

It is absolutely precious! I do not want her to ever grow up. 

Another little Addison trick she's started... 

I wish I had a video of this one. 

She will hide under a blanket and make a sound like a ghost. She will keep on until we acknowledge her. Once we acknowledge the ghost sounds and talk about calling Ghostbusters, she will come out from under the blanket and bust out laughing. 

Then she proceeds to tell you to not look, while she does the whole routine over and over again! 

Addison Faith is the light of our lives. She keeps us laughing. She can always put a smile on your face.

God definitely knew what He was doing when He gave us Addison. Those big brown eyes, those deep dimples, that contagious laugh, and that wonderful personality - it's priceless!!! 

I would rather her stay 4 forever and never grow up. I just pray she always keeps this personality and keeps us laughing. 

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