Sunday, April 17, 2016

Bowling | | April 11th

Most of you know, Emery was born on January 11, 2016. So, without even really going into much detail you can understand why April 11th would be a hard day. 

So, on that day when we got Makenzi from school I told Jordan I wanted to be out of the house (it was a rainy and dreary day) and doing something with my family. 

We threw around a lot of options until we ended up going bowling. 

We went to Hermitage to the bowling alley there. 

We were pretty much like pros. LOL! 

It was quite the sight. Even with the guards up, we struggled. Jordan started doing pretty good once we played for a while. I think he would be really good if he played a lot. 

Now, Addison, she was just plain lucky. I think she knocked down more pins than any of us just by rolling the ball down her ramp and walking away without even paying attention to where her ball was going. 

And as for Makenzi & me, I don't believe there is any hope for us. HA! I rolled a strike one time and Jordan laughed because it hit the guards on the gutters twice before finally hitting the pins and giving me a strike. So, if I wasn't playing like the little kids I would have never made a strike. 

Laughing with my family can cure a bad day normally. I am so thankful for them! 

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