Friday, April 29, 2016

Addison | | Baby Emery

Addison, I believe, senses a closeness with Emery none of us else can. 

She talks to her frequently, she talks about her a lot, if she hears me sniffle or even thinks I'm crying or sees me crying she comes to hug me to remind me it's ok to be sad and wants to check on me. She has such a sense of peace and calmness over Emery that I wish I was like Addison on a lot of days. 

Yesterday she sat in the floor playing her ABC games on the computer. I've decided it's really good for her to play these games because I am not sending her to Pre-K. I want her home with me one more year. We did the Pre-K thing with Makenzi and it really wasn't in her best interest. So, I justify it that way and the fact that I need Addison home with me. I don't think I could handle sending her to Pre-K for me to sit at home alone until 2:00 daily yet. 

Anyway - back to the subject I was on - Addison was playing the games and I heard her say "Baby Emery, I don't know how to do this game? Can you help me?" She just says it matter of factly, without even thinking. She can just be sitting by herself and you'll hear her talk of Emery. 

Last night, as my little night owl was running around the house like a mad woman, I ask her if I can take her picture with her sunglasses on. She stops and throws her peace sign up. I thought she moved because I snapped the picture and I saw the BRIGHT WHITE light in it. There was NOTHING there... not my hand or finger.... not her moving... there was NOTHING. We have no explanation for it. NONE! So, we've just kind of laughed it off that it was Baby Emery checking in on us and running around the house with her Big Sister, Addison. 

We honestly don't know where the white light came from... and we are just going to keep saying it must have been our sweet Emery. You know, whatever brings us a little comfort in the hard days. 

Addison has the perfect child like faith. She has a closeness with her sister I wish I could experience some days. She has a closeness with God I wish I could experience. We need to strive to keep that child like faith. 

Matthew 19:14 "but Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven." 

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